Check out our overview of Fall 2024 Automatic Honors Sections (updated April 2).
Automatic Honors credits can come from Honors Only and Accelerated Honors sections. The Automatic Honors Sections document can help you identify courses of interest as you prepare to enroll for the upcoming term.
Please note the following:
- To earn Honors credit from an Honors Only course, you must enroll in a/the section designated as “Honors Only.” The same is true for Accelerated Honors. Some Automatic Honors sections are seminar-style courses, and others are specific discussion sections/labs of a course that is also has non-Honors sections.
- Course descriptions and instructor-provided content (when available) in the Course Search & Enroll app will help you learn more about the courses.
- Please verify offerings and section-specific information in Course Search & Enroll before finalizing your schedule. Information provided in this document is subject to change as departments finalize their course offerings.
- This list does not include the many courses offered with Honors Optional enrollment. Learn more about ways to earn Honors credit.
- You can use the Honors in the Liberal Arts Degree Progress Self-Check to identify the remaining Honors requirements and understand how they fit with other parts of your degree.
- We encourage students to meet with an Honors advisor each semester to get support with their degree plan and navigate their undergraduate experience. Learn more about Honors advising.