Green Sheet Proposal Form

Before completing this form, please review our Green Sheet Information

When filling out text boxes, please be sure to type directly into the boxes or paste without formatting. This will help avoid errors during submission.

  • To paste content into the form, please click the Toolbar Toggle in the textbox menu (keyboard-like icon on the far right) and select “Paste as Text” before pasting your text. On a PC, ctrl+shift+V could also work to paste without formatting.
  • You are also welcome to type “see attached” in the longer text boxes and upload a .pdf file with your responses to avoid the formatting issue.

Please do not use special characters (e.g., %, “, |) or non-English characters in the names of uploaded files, as this can cause errors that prevent the Honors Program team from receiving your submission.

Green Sheet Proposal Form

Please use this form to submit your proposal to earn Honors credit in a course that does not otherwise offer Honors credit.

  • Please enter your first and last name.
  • Please enter your university e-mail address.
  • Please enter the semester and year you intend to graduate.
  • If you have questions about any of the following criteria, please contact Exceptions may be made for Honors in the Major students.
  • Please include the department and course number for the course you would like to Green Sheet.
  • Please enter the course instructor's first and last name.
  • Please enter the course instructor's university e-mail address.
  • If you have questions about any of the following criteria, please contact
  • Please refer to your DARS to confirm remaining Honors requirements before answering this question.
  • Provide a brief overview of what you will do for this project and how it is relevant for the course. Be sure to use language that someone unfamiliar with the course content can understand, and define discipline-specific terms. Reminder: Please type directly into text boxes or be sure to paste without formatting.
  • Provide concrete details of what you will do and what you will submit for this project. This should include answers to the following questions: 1) What question(s) are you investigating? 2) What sources or opportunities will you interact with? If you are reading an novel, how long is it? If you are attending talks, how many? 3) What type of analysis will you complete? 4) What will you submit as a final product? What is the minimum length of any written component? What is the scope of any unwritten component?
  • Provide a timeline for your project. List benchmarks throughout the semester, dates when you will meet with your instructor, and the final deadline(s) for your project. We generally expect at least 2 meetings with the instructor after the Green Sheet submission and before the final deadline.
  • Reflect on why you are pursuing this particular Green Sheet project and what you hope to achieve. Answer the following questions: 1) How exactly is this project different and distinct from other work for this class? 2) How or why is this project or content meaningful to you? 3) Which skills or qualities are you hoping to develop through your experience with this project?
  • How will you and your instructor determine if your project is successful? Reminder: Honors credit from the Green Sheet is earned on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis, and Green Sheet work is not part of calculations for the overall course grade.
  • If there are any other details or special circumstances you would like the Honors Program to know when reviewing your Green Sheet Proposal, please include them here.
  • If you would prefer to upload your answers to the above prompts in a single document, you may do so. Please do not use special characters (e.g., %, ", |) or non-English characters in your file name.
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 3 MB.
  • To generate a Course Change Request (CCR) to add Honors to the course, go to your MyUW Student Center > Manage Classes > Course Change Request. Save the completed CCR and then "print" it as a PDF. The dean's signature will be added after the Green Sheet Proposal is approved by the Honors Program. *No signatures are required on the CCR at this time.*
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.
  • Please type your name again as confirmation that you have reviewed your responses and this proposal is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

You and your instructor will receive an email confirmation after you complete this form and click “submit.” If you do not receive an email confirmation within a few minutes, your proposal was not received.

Within two weeks of the Green Sheet proposal deadline, the Honors Program will notify you that your proposal has been approved, denied, or requires revisions.