Anja Jovic-Humphrey

Credentials: English

Website: Anja Jovic-Humphrey's website

Headshot of Professor Anja Jovic-Humphrey

Excerpt from student nomination: “She is not only incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about what she teaches, but she also cares so much about her students. She shows this care through her availability, openness to discussion, and frequent check-ins about what her students want in her course… I believe that Dr. Jovic-Humphrey should receive the Distinguished Honors Faculty Award because of her commitment to her students and their learning. While I was in her class, Dr. Jovic-Humphrey provided many opportunities to receive help directly from her (ex: staying after class and offering one-on-one meetings), was incredibly passionate in her teachings (ex: sharing anecdotes from her own life), and was clearly committed to the success of her students (ex: being flexible about personal issues, etc.)…  Dr. Jovic-Humphrey is one of my favorite professors and I am so grateful to have met her. My experiences in her class have had a huge positive impact on my life.”