Robijn Kleijwegt
Credentials: B.S. with Comprehensive Honors | Major(s): Astronomy-Physics (Honors) | Certificate: German

Being part of the Honors program at UW-Madison not only brought me closer to my fellow Honors students, but it also pushed me out of my comfort zone to make better relationships with my professors and to take courses that I wouldn’t normally have taken. My two favorite memories are participating in the Welton retreat and the Senior Honors Thesis Symposium. Both of these experiences allowed me to learn about research projects that students from all different majors were completing. It allowed me to introduce my passion for Physics and Astronomy to students who had no knowledge of these topics. This really pushed me to explain my field of interest in great detail, which ultimately allowed me to expand my own knowledge within my field. I was also exposed to so many other fields of interest that my peers researched which broadened my knowledge within the humanities, the medical field, the arts, and so much more.