Martin Zanni

Credentials: Chemistry

Website: Martin Zanni's website

Headshot of Martin Zanni

Excerpt from student nomination: “Every morning he would say hi and give us all a high-five. He hosted a bonfire at the start of semester because he knew that friends in class are important to succeed. At the bonfire we got to know Marty and classmates which helped us be more comfortable to ask questions and study together… Despite being a first year, Marty is the best educator that I have had. It is not only crazily amazing what he knows, but also amazing how he can simplify complex topics to educate first years… Despite the Chem 115/116 sequence being hard, the way he conducted class made it the most enjoyable class which is what I hope to do one day as a professor. His encouragement and feedback in that class has inspired me to work hard and to never feel hopeless when classes and exams don’t go as well as I hoped. His approach to education is something I wish I saw more from professors and believe it should be recognized because it can have long lasting impacts on students.”