Honors in the Major Declaration Form

Honors in the Major Declaration Form

Please use this form to request that an L&S Honors in the Major track be added to your degree plan. Students must meet the requirements for all declared degree and major plans in order for their degree to be conferred. Questions about this form may be sent to advisor@honors.ls.wisc.edu.

  • Please enter your first and last name.
  • Please enter your university e-mail address.
  • Please enter the semester and year you intend to graduate,
  • To declare Honors in the Major for two majors, you would need to submit two separate forms.
  • If you have not yet had an appointment with your major advisor about declaring Honors in the Major, please do so before completing this form.
  • Provide the first and last name of the major advisor who you spoke with about Honors in the Major and who approves this declaration. Please note: Continuing to review your record with qualified advisors will help you ensure that requirements are satisfied.
  • Please enter the e-mail address for the major advisor listed above.
  • Do you already receive the L&S Honors Program's weekly e-newsletter, Washburn Observer?
  • Please type your name again as confirmation that you wish to declare Honors in the Major for the major indicated above.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.