Honors in the Major Information Session

SuccessWorks Smart Classroom 344 (711 State Street, above University Bookstore)
@ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
RSVP here!

Come learn more about Honors in the Major! Hear about steps you can take to begin exploring research opportunities and deepening your academic experience as an undergraduate, and consider whether Honors in the Major could align with and support your academic goals. These sessions are intended for first- and second-year students pursuing at least one major in the College of Letters & Science.

An information session will include:

  • Overview of the L&S Honors Program
  • Discussion of what Honors in the Major is and isn’t
  • Preview of Honors in the Major declaration process
  • Tips for getting involved in undergraduate research
  • Guidance on additional resources and ways to connect with the L&S Honors Program
  • Time to explore Honors in the Major requirements for specific majors

Please RSVP, as space is limited. We also encourage you to review our Honors Overview.


Spring Honors in the Major Information Sessions:

  • Tuesday, Feb. 4, 3:00-4:00pm, in SuccessWorks Smart Classroom 344 (711 State Street, above University Bookstore)
  • Thursday, Feb. 6, 4:45-5:45pm, at Biocore (341 Noland Hall)


If you require accommodations, please include this in the RSVP form or contact the Honors Program at honors@honors.ls.wisc.edu as soon as possible.

Open book with letters floating above it